Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2008


I have the Weapon.
I got the Weapon, but not the Code.
I have no instructions. Just this strange Pic:

5 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

What type of code you need? for what?

Val hat gesagt…

Moreover what do we do if we have the code?

Unknown hat gesagt…

The area highlighted in red would be:

3 9 8 8

If you don't count the 8/8 part of the puzzle then the code is:

3 9

Blueghost hat gesagt…

3969112415432597216292594312242471799 12816139862568718125816243124632518

these are the numbers to solve the grid, maybe they can be useful.

Juan Estevez hat gesagt…

Your code.